Approval workflows

Always involve the right people at the right moment to accelerate approval time while enhancing control and security.
  • Slash approval time by 90%
  • Eliminate rogue spends
  • Boost employee satisfaction
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Effortless workflow customization

No need for integrators or change management—tailor your workflows with just a few clicks to meet your most intricate requirements.

Request and Approve anytime, anywhere

Your Budget Owners are constantly on the move. Pivot optimizes the approval experience for mobile usage, ensuring a seamless and adaptive process.

Instant visibility into requests

No more waiting nervously to find out who's approving your request. Pivot links up smoothly with Slack and Teams, keeping you in the loop on every important step of the process.

Smooth delegation system

Maintaining operational smoothness is a constant challenge. Whether dealing with employee absence or departures, Pivot, with its native connection to your HR-IS, ensures seamless transitions for you and your teams.

Integrated with your stack

Pivot guarantees the right information reaches the appropriate tools as your request progresses. From sending contracts to CLM to creating IT tickets, we've got it covered!